Vitafarm ADE 100 ml
Transparent oil solution from light yellow to light brown.
1 ml of the drug contains:
vitamin A – 10,000 U;
vitamin D3 – 15,000 units;
vitamin E – 20 mg;
vegetable oil in 1 ml.
Pharmacological properties:
The effect of the drug is primarily due to the presence of vitamin D3, which has a positive effect on the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin A participates in redox processes, maintains the normal functioning of the mucous membranes and organs of vision, vitamin E – participates in the metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, prevents the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, stabilizes cell membranes, stimulates spermogenesis and the development of embryos.
Treatment and prevention of D-hypovitaminosis (rickets) of agricultural and small domestic animals, alimentary and secondary osteodystrophy, postpartum hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, pre- and postnatal retention, alimentary dystrophy, retention of the afterbirth, subinvolution of the uterus, bone fractures, joint dysplasia. The drug is used for diseases that are accompanied by impaired absorption and metabolism of vitamins A and D, calcium and phosphorus (gastroenteritis, hepatitis, hepatodystrophy, ketosis, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism).
Doses of the drug are calculated based on vitamin D3, subject to parenteral administration:
ANIMAL SPECIES prophylactic Dose, ml of the drug 1 time in 7 days Therapeutic dose, ml of the drug 1 time in 5 days
Dry cows 5-5.5 9.5-11.0
Milking cows 7.0-10.0 12.0-14.0
Young cattle (per 100 kg of body weight) 2.0-2.5 4.0-5.5
Fertile mares 2.5-3.0 5.0-5.5
Lactating mares, 0-4.5 6.0-7.0
Interviewed sows 1.1-1.4 2.5-4.0
Lactating sows 1.4-1.6 4.5-6.0
Piglets weighing 20-40 kg 0.4-0.5 1.1-1.3
Cat ewes 0.5-0.6 1.0-1.3
Lactating ewes 0.8-1.0 1.5-2.0
Lambs 4-6 months 0.25 0.5-0.65
Goats 0.4 1.0-1.5
Dogs (weighing 50 kg) 0.15-0.2 1.0-1.2 The drug is administered for prophylactic purposes intramuscularly or subcutaneously once every 7 days, with a therapeutic purpose – intramuscularly or subcutaneously once every 5 days until recovery (5- 8 injections).
When using the drug, diets should be balanced in calcium, phosphorus and trace elements.
The drug used in the given doses cannot be effective for the prevention and treatment of A-vitamin deficiency. To provide animals with vitamin A, it is necessary to inject A-containing preparations with a preventive purpose 1 time in 7 days, with a therapeutic one – 1 time in 5 days.
For parenteral administration to large animals, it is recommended to divide the dose of the drug into parts and inject it into different places.
In a dry, dark place at a temperature of 5 to 15 ° C.
Shelf life:
1 year.
For use in veterinary medicine only!